3 Ways to Integrate Mobile into Your Local Marketing Strategy
Studies show that mobile and local marketing strategies are currently two of the most effective tools you can use to boost local business. So, it makes sense that if you combine them together you’re going to see significant results. The question is, how can you integrate mobile into your local marketing strategy?
Below you’ll find three tips on how to do it.
Take advantage of mobile app ads
According to statistics, over 80% of time spent on mobile devices is used on various apps. There are literally millions of apps out there and if you’ve ever used one, you’ll notice many feature pop up ads. By using services such as Google AdMob, you can get your own promotional ad featured on a third party application. Obviously if you want to target local customers, you’re going to need to need to ensure your ads are placed on local business apps.
Promotional text messages
Another great way to incorporate mobile into local search is to send out promotional text messages to local customers. It helps if you already have a database of existing local customers. However, there are companies out there that specialize in helping you build a list of mobile subscribers, developing a campaign, and sending out promotional messages on your behalf.
Entice customers with Google Offers for Mobile
If you’re just starting out with mobile local search marketing, you’ve probably never heard of Google Offers for Mobile. Basically, it’s a feature which enables you to post coupon or discount offers underneath your advertisement. This doubles the chances of a consumer clicking on the ad. Everybody loves a discount so if a consumer sees there is a special code they can use, for example a 10% off code, they are a lot more likely to click through to see what they can save money on.
These are just a few ways you can incorporate mobile into your local digital marketing campaign. It’s recommended you choose just one to start with so you can dedicate all your time and effort into making sure it’s a success. Don’t forget to monitor the progress of your mobile ads too. You need to know whether they are working and whether you need to change anything.
If you want to get ahead of your competitors, mobile marketing is definitely a great way to go. It’s one of the most effective ways of advertising to local consumers who are looking to take action sooner than later. You just need to know what works and what doesn’t, so always thoroughly research each marketing method before trying to implement it. Otherwise, you could risk wasting a lot of time and marketing dollars.